About Us
Melinda’s Enchanted Cottage doesn’t need to introduce its principle reader, Melinda. A practicing witch since she was 16, Melinda is not only the face of the cottage, but the heart of it as well. Her altruistic personality blends with her blunt honesty to bring a unique experience to everyone who enters the Cottage.
Shockingly detailed and accurate, her tea leaf and tarot readings not only provide insight to what is going on around you, but also help guide you with the wisdom to see what choices you have and where to find the strength to make them.
As a tarot reader, she includes skills beyond simply the cards to give depth to the reading, encompassing symbolism, numerology, astrological insights and more. Her ability to interpret tea leaves and see into the life of her customers is simply astounding, and her informative and enlightening method will change the way you drink tea forever.
Beyond her abilities as a reader, her life experiences and unique knowledge of the craft provide her with wisdom in all aspects of her trade.
Stop in to the Cottage at any time to meet Melinda, or contact her to book an appointment. Blessed be.
Jeremy Ransom (aka Jeremiah Graham) is the other primary reader here at Melinda’s Enchanted Cottage.
Having studied many forms and techniques of divination, his favourite method is Tarot. For the last several years
Jeremiah has honed and sharpened his skills and abilities to a point where he was able to create his own method and style.
This constant evolution of his craft allows him to adapt in these unusual times in order to continue his work and provide insight and council to others.
Focusing primarily on the present, Jeremiah’s practical approach to tarot focuses on the reality of life, and he applies relevant advice and support to every reading he does.
The Graham Tradition
The Order of the Graham Tradition is a dream in the making…
Since 2020, Melinda’s Enchanted Cottage has been helping and supporting witches as they discover their own path through their exclusive program “MEC 365 Crafty Science and Witchery Membership”. As Solitary Witches, Melinda and Jeremiah both realize that while everyone is free to explore their own path of magick, the desire to belong to something is still strong in people, and there is no tradition that fits this unique philosophy. So, the idea of the Order of the Graham Tradition was created as an idea of a “coven-non-coven”, where everyone has an opportunity to belong to a fellowship of like minded magickal practitioners, with no specific determination of order. We are a community of Witches, bonding together over a belief in the truth of magick, regardless of practice or method.
While this seems like a recipe for chaos, with a faith in the power of belief and kindness it is working wonderfully, and what has been created is an order where anyone who has a foundation in any form of magick can belong, without being told how to practice, or be required to conform in any way to a tradition. In this liberating and protective environment, we are free to explore our own individual journeys, with the encouragement and support of our fellow members.
Our not-for-profit organization is building towards spreading this opportunity past our local roots, and providing these same opportunities to anyone in the world, regardless of culture, faith, or belief. With each year, the membership grows as the word spreads, and is strengthened by the MEC Membership graduates who already belong.
If you would like more information, feel free to contact us at
Melinda’s Enchanted Cottage, or at www.theogt.org