Ancestral Veneration
“I call to those
whose blood runs through me.
My fathers and mothers,
my guides and guardians,
and those whose spirits
helped to shape me.”
On this night of all nights, when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, we honor those who have gone on before:
the beloved ancestors.
Learning the history of our ancestors helps us gain a greater understanding of the challenges they faced, and it often inspires greater love and compassion for their flaws and mistakes. This compassion can easily translate to our relationships with the living, within our families and outside them.
By setting up an ancestor shrine or altar, you can honor the people of your bloodline–your kinfolk and clansmen who have helped to shape the person you are.
An ancestor altar is a place to join forces with your special loved ones and to work together in spell crafting, divination, shadow workings, past life explorations, and anything else to help you reach your goals. It’s always nice to have a support system in your spiritual practice and what better people to connect than with your ancestors! Having a shared space with your ancestors helps them to feel welcome to offer guidance and assistance if needed.
Join Melinda and Jeremy as we prepare and guide you in creating your own ancestors altar and participate in “Ancestor Circle”.
During our Circle we will invite your loved ones to join our space so that you may converse with them, share memories, make a small request or simply enjoy the energies of your dearly departed.
The veneration of the dead, is based on love and respect for the deceased.
In some cultures, it is related to beliefs that the dead have a continued existence, and may possess the ability to influence and bless the living. The intimate relationship between the living and dead is a complex and multifaceted exercise of remembrance, respect and reconciliation.