Herbal Grimoire


Today is the day you begin your journey, join Melinda’s Enchanted Cottage on a discovery of Herbal Magick.

During this workshop you will begin creating your very own Magical Herb Grimoire.  Our focus will be on 7-10 herbs, we will break them down into parts and their uses. Other topics for tonight will be.

Herbs of the kitchen witch

Herbal baths

Incense in Magick

Herbs for health/aromatherapy

And herbs in Magick.

Herbs have enormous magical power, as they hold the earth’s energy within them. Each herb has unique properties that can enhance one’s magical goals. Herbs also may have medicinal properties. The magical practitioner can draw upon either aspect when performing a spell.

In the magical and spiritual world, however, the term “herb” is used as a catchall for bits of trees, flowers, spices, and all sorts of plants. Herbs thus form a huge portion of the green witch’s practice.

Herbal Magick is a very powerful form of natural magick. It can be used by anyone with little supplies and remarkable results.

All supplies for this workshop will be provided by Melinda’s Enchanted Cottage.  We will be starting and personalizing our very own Magical Herb Grimoires.

This is a fantastic workshop for any practicing witch or garden fanatic.

Blessed Be