Herbal Grimoire Dangerous Plants
Flowers, typically bright and beautiful, also have a dark side. From carnivorous blooms to poisonous posies, not all
flowers are as sweet and innocent as they appear.
Herbs have enormous magical power, as they hold the earth’s energy within them. Each herb has unique properties
that can enhance one’s magical goals. The magical practitioner can draw upon either aspect when performing a spell.
Baneful herbs are herbs that can cause death or severe illness in the hands of one with malicious intentions, and also
simply by accident. Some of these are so dangerous that they should be handled with gloves as the toxin can enter
your system through your skin while others require you to ingest an often horrible tasting herb and still others are
only dangerous if certain parts are ingested under certain conditions. Yet despite all of this, these herbs have a rich
history in witchcraft.
Many of these herbs are beautiful or useful in magic and healing or even have delicious edible parts and these have
earned them a place in our gardens and homes. However you feel about baneful herbs, it’s a good idea to make sure
you know what they are, just in case they’re in your yard, so you can protect your family and also best enjoy these
fascinating plants.
Join Melinda for the evening and explore the rich history of baneful plants, the magical properties and there place in
Witch Craft.
We will be creating detailed Herbal Grimoire pages for you to add to your collection.